And I'd have to fake smile and bite my tongue to avoid shouting back, "I sure hope it goes by fast!"
But in reality, they were right. It goes by way too fast and before you know it your child is sleeping through the night yet scaling bookshelves and rolling off couches. Funny how when your babe turns into a toddler you get much more sleep at night yet you're just as tired because their daytime antics are exhausting.
May flew by, but to be honest, it got harder to resist the pull to shop. May is a great time for stocking up on fun summer clothes and new swimsuits, and I kept seeing so many cute things that I would normally have snatched up right away. I kept my mind on my goal and resisted! However, if you see me at the pool and I look a fright, it's because my pre-baby swimsuits are a tad too small but my post-baby swimsuits purchased last summer are a tad too large. So it's either muffin top or saggy butt for me this swim season.
For May, my goal was to donate at least 10 dresses that I no longer wear or need.
This category has been the hardest for me so far. I have tons of dresses that I can safely get rid of, but it's hard parting with something I attach to a fun memory (weddings, Vegas girls trips, special dates). I have to remind myself that the memory is not held in the physical object, but in my heart and mind (and photos don't hurt to keep around either).
I doubled my goal and purged 20 dresses!